Daniela Cerri Crochet Designer

Daniela Cerri Crochet Designer

Sobre el Artista

I like to call my creations “exercises of the senses.” They represent design objects: jewelry, clothing, fashion accessories, screens, carpets, paintings, accessories for the home. Handmade creations, unique pieces created by mixing techniques (crochet, knit, creative sewing...) and materials (yarns and fabrics in silk, wool, cotton, hemp, metal...). Constant attention to the color and tactile values of the things that make up these unique objects. Fundamental to my work is a predisposition for research, imagination, experimentation, improvisation, invention of solutions and unexpected contaminations. I have under my belt a wide variety of professional experiences. Self-producer of Art-Books dedicated to the world of crochet design. I have worked as a graphic designer, illustrator and editor in the publishing sector, and transited to jewelry workshops, fashion studios and design offices, both in Italy and abroad as a textile designer. My project work and my presence as Italian artist is recognized in Europe, in Japan (Osaka) and in the rest of the world. Although I was born in Milan, for the last few years I have been living in an ancient stone house in the hills of the Oltrepò - my home and my creative workshop. www.danielacerri.blogspot.it Contact: daniela.cerri96@gmail.com Phone: 00393478866314