Paul De Bruyne

Paul De Bruyne

Sobre el Artista

Paul De Bruyne was born 11 june 1953 as second child in a family of 8 children. He’s a civil engineer by profession and has had an active career in several big and small companies. Paul is married and father of 2 sons His beautifully colored abstract paintings, sizes 100x100 cm and bigger are made with acryl and mixed media, finished with resin. He is unique in the way he arranges lighting of a painting. The lighting comes from within not from the outside. When the night falls, the painting alights, when the morning comes the painting goes to sleep. Paul’s paintings are spontaneous creations and always in balance. He is especially skilled in combining the right colors to get an intriguing and harmonious painting. "When I paint, I’m working out my own life. Every painting is a piece of my life. But as far as the people who see my paintings? I only paint mirrors."