Ida Ambrosio

Ida Ambrosio

Sobre el Artista

I decided that it was time to write something about myself, an autobiography of sorts. But what to write, especially when there isn't a very extensive list of artistic accomplisments in the curriculum? I tried reading the biographies of both newcomers and established artists and then I asked myself what I would expect the biography of an artist to include? The first thing that came to mind was name and age. Since you already know my name, I can skip this and age is a completely irrelevant factor. Then I wanted to know if they were professionals, painting for a living or if they had regular jobs and art was a passion that they practiced in their spare time. If they worked I wanted to know what job they did. Finally, I wanted to know what accomplishments they had achieved artistically. So now I believe I am ready to compile my own biography. I was born in Naples, specifically in San Giuseppe Vesuviano on the 8 February some time during the last century. :) I've had a passion for art since my early childhood. I had proficient manual skills and enjoyed designing jewellery so would have liked to attend a school that offered a possibility to continue with this passion, but life had a different fate in store for me. I graduated from a technical institute majoring in accountancy - not exactly what I wanted. In 1999 I moved to Udine, a province of Friuli Venezia Giulia, a region in the north east corner of Italy. This was a major change and I suffered greatly – I also believe that this gave rise to my artistic carreer. For fun, and without much conviction, I started taking drawing classes and gradually moved onto oil painting. The more techniques I assimilated, the more I realised that it had become a neccessary part of me and I knew that this, more than anything, was what I wanted to do. I felt that painting was 'una via per l’animo'. The way of the soul. The real revelation was when I first used pastels. It was a case of love at first sight and a most significant encounter for my soul. “Painting is the most beautiful of all arts. In it, all sensations are condensed; contemplating it, everyone can create a story at the will of his imagination and, with a single glance, have his soul invaded by the most profound recollections; no effort of memory, everything is summed up in one instant. A complete art which sums up all the others and completes them.” (Paul Gauguin) Premi Premio Vieste 2017 Palazzo Belusci Concorso Internazionale Dauni II 2017 Premio Arte Moruzzo 2016 Premio Eventi d'Arte 2015 Premio Castello Savorgan Artegna UD 2014 Pubblicazione Catalogo Caput Mundi 2013 Premio Il Colle S Daniele del Friuli 2010 Quotazioni : CaputMundi Casa d'Aste Roma Artprice Basezero Catalogo : Artprice Basezero