Plumes de Pacotilles

Plumes de Pacotilles

Sobre el Artista

Plumes de Pacotille reveals you her adventure : Already as a teenager she creates the association "from a star to a butterfly" which aim to talk about art and history of art in schools in an original and playfull way, to open the minds and stregthend the curiosity of the yougest. Following her meeting with Cent ALANTAR (french disney animator) she starts to publish her drawings and paintings, ilustrate some poetry... In 2014 a bookshop in paris welcomes Plumes for a full mounth, and this will lead to tons of meetings, one more important than others is the one with Nicolas TABARY (drawer of "Iznogoud") For the International Fest of comic books following the events of Charlie Hebdo, a call to artist was made to pay respect to the families, and it was Plume's text and drawings that were chosen by the leaders of the event. The same year she is invited to participate to the Contemporary Art Festival of Venice in Italy, and she will win the price of the jury. The price gives her the opportunity to go with her work at Buenos Aires during the International Contemporary art Festival, the organizers are so found of her work that the oppening ceremony will be dedicated to her and her work. Later she will attend an open air Festival in Spain during which she will, surounded by a projection of her art and the melody of a guitar, astonish every person in the room with her texts. Next town she shakes is Paris : an art gallery allows her to do what she wants for a full evening and the rooms are changed into bubbles of sound and images coming from every corner of the room going through windows, changing the color of the hairs and making simple coats pieces of art for a moment. She doesn't stop and the next step is the International Art Gallery of mister Levy in the Swiss Village of Paris, and exhibition of 2 weeks will end in poetry the year 2017. The exhibition leads, through mister LEVY's coworker, to a full year of presentation and exposition for 4 of Plumes artworks in Shanghai. More atypical but always stunning, Plume made exhibitions in the city hall, a well known café and the big mall of Disney's town.