Sobre el Artista

Irene Cazar was born in Quito – Ecuador in June 1978, she graduated in Art from Ecuador’s Central University, obtaining the first prize in the “Coloma-Silva” award. Afterwards she travels to Germany to continue her post-graduate’s studies obtaining a Masters in Painting from Staatliche Akademie der Bildende Künste Stuttgart. After returning to Ecuador she became a teacher in the Arts Faculty in Ecuador’s Central University. In 2010 she travels to Madrid, Spain to obtain a Diploma in Artistic Education from Madrid Complutense University. Since 2011 she started her Arts Academy for Children “Talled de Arte Bluu” where she works until today. Her work has been displayed in Ecuador, Perú, Spain, United States, Germany and Holland: 2004 Collective Exhibition, First Art Biennale, Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial. Quito, Ecuador. 2004 Graduates Exhibition, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador. 2006 Rudgang Alumni Exhibition, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Germany. 2006 Individual Exhibition, Cultural City Centrum, Stuttgart, Germany. 2007 Collective Young Art Exhibition, Ellwanger & Geiger Bank, Stuttgart, Germany. 2007 Rundgang Alumni Exhibition, Staatliche Akademie der Bildende Künste Stuttgart. 2008 Collective Exhibition, "Test Bild", Stuttgart, Germany. 2008 Collective Exhibition, Rainer Wehr Gallery “Köpfe”, Stuttgart, Germany 2008 International Art Fair “Europe 50+“, Stuttgart-Sildenfingen , Germany 2008 Collective Exhibition “Gemeindehaus”, Murrhardt, Germany. 2008 Kunsthandel Gallery Vincent Maier, Stuttgart, Germany. 2009 Collective Exhibition, “Papelito mismo ha sido”, Sucre Theater, Quito, Ecuador. 2010 International Art Fair “Open Art Fair”, Utrecht, Holand. 2010 Collective Christmass Sample, Gaudí Gallery, Madrid, Spain. 2011 Collective Exhibition “Rec”, El Container, Quito, Ecuador. 2011 Collective Exhibition “"From Within (and not necessarily our hearts)", Franklin Pop-Up Gallery, New York. 2016 Individual Exhibition, "La ciudad y Yo", Sara Palacios Gallery, Quito, Ecuador 2017 Individual Exhibition, Nahím Isaías Museum, Guayaquil, Ecuador. 2017 Collective Exhibition "Hermandad Lationoamericana Unidos al Centenario de las Bellas Artes del Peru", Aeronautic Museum from Peru, Lima, Peru. 2017 Collective Exhibition "Arte a Gran Scala" Scala Shopping, Quito, Ecuador. 2017 Collective International Exhibition "Sarapa de Maiz", Sara Palacios Gallery, Quito, Ecuador. 2018 Individual Exhibition “Añorando mi infancia” Alliance Française Gallery, Quito, Ecuador.