Larysa Jaromska

Larysa Jaromska

Sobre el Artista

My pictures is my biography I was born in communism, my family lost everything, some emigrated to free countries I was wild and destroyed mentally. My generation was the bigest victim of destruction of totalitarism. My conditions were so bad,I had no place to work . After reading Confessions of Augustine i converted to catholicism, It was the end of my cariere. I refused cooperate with communism. I was art. director in the first antycommunist new paper NEW WORLD in postcommunist coutrie, colsed by agents. I was persecuted by them . I was not afraid i continue enter the group exibition in churches, street fences, undergruond places. When i came to Society of Polish artists i obtain aknowledgments among non commercial artists , catholic and independent but underestimate i thing great artits. I was chosen to the the board of Painting section . I try care ofall i can , even as all painters i have no strong health but great will to live... to paint. I love painting, i love art. my ancestors were collectionist of art. and mecenats fouding Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw which i graduated cum laude. They were art. talented and gave me love and respect for art., even it was surrealistic in communist time and incredible past looking from old pictures of ancestors. I dont feel free, still independence is right way but hard and long way to create normal state and new visions in art. and survive….. The cycle MEN commemorate ideas that were worth to sacrify live and show peopl, their human condition Heroism is devotion live for what we believe what we love what is stronger than death and must endure for eternity. I believe in ideas and in God and in beauty of art. this is spiritual sense i will never give up to paint till i stay alive. Ethos and pathos is part of my art i live normal way live I strated painting from painting vessels in the kitchen.Than i was inspiring from sphere of immortality. I don t estimate art. and judge another artists i love honest rivalisation, time is the one measure of art and love I believe in reborn of art painting as spiritual invention.