Sobre el Artista

My approach to making art is based on my belief that life is an imperfect, transient experience. I enjoy witnessing and reflecting on the intrigue and beauty that results from incidental and even accidental creation. This belief is consistent with the Japanese concept of Wabi Sabi. Wabi Sabi is a consciousness of the beauty and value of things imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. I am fascinated by the lines, forms, space and compositions that are the result of natural and even man-made happenstance. In the physical world, cracks in sidewalks, roots of trees breaking through the ground, tar spills on roofs and roads, rusted abandoned cars, the shape and surface of rocks and broken shards are all attractions that stimulate in me the need to create art. In the spiritual world, my memories and dreams are often fragmented and they too trigger visualizations worth transferring into art. For me, diversity and imperfection are aesthetically intriguing. In some cases, I will incorporate my own miscues and work them into a piece. I have often painted over previous works and employed the texture of the earlier work. I like to create works that have a primordial, primitive or transient quality to them. Again, for me, perfection is less interesting than what is unintended. Whether sculpting, painting, things incongruent asymmetric, divergent or disrupted are my muse. Graduated from the University of Toledo and studied art the Toledo Museum of Art. The Center for Visual Arts and Ringling School of Art. Areas of study included: art education, art history, design and studio art. Also studied pottery with internationally recognized potter, Paul Soldner. Influential artists: Cezanne, Monet, Van Gogh, Miro, Moore, Arp, Kline, Rothko and Hoffman. Two-dimensional works are created in ink, pencil, crayon, watercolor, oil or acrylic. Three-dimensional works are created in clay, stone, wood, metal and found objects. Works can be found in both private and corporate collections in the U.S, Canada, the UK and Kenya. Studio is located in Perrysburg, Ohio USA.