Rustle Phillips

Rustle Phillips

Sobre el Artista

Welcome to my world! Walking the beautiful rolling South Downs of West Sussex as a child with my father and our dog and later discovering the different settings found in New Zealand was the beginning of my artistic leaning. These provided me with a unique opportunity to see a different world to that which I had known, and also have an eye for contrasts, colours and variations in light found in each country. I watched my dad in his studio working with watercolours or pastels as he captured scenes both of England and New Zealand. I later realised that he used more vibrant colour when painting a New Zealand landscape than the softer tones of England. As a young man I occasionally dabbled in art, albeit more on a journey of discovery. It was only later in the 1990's when living in Switzerland that I spent more time on the journey developing my understanding and skills. They include more recently the delights of painting with oils. I consider myself to be blessed having spent much of my life living and working in other countries and places including a move in 2012 from Christchurch in the South Island of New Zealand to Manawatu in the north following the earthquakes that devastated Christchurch in 2010 - 2011. In 2019 we returned to Christchurch to live. Minus the chickens we downsized to a smaller home where we could be closer to our family. Presented here in the gallery section are works spanning the years primarily in pastel, watercolours and more recently oils. I am currently compiling more works as I attempt to increase a selection that would be worthy to publicly exhibit. I appreciate and welcome your comments. Rustle Phillips Christchurch New Zealand