Sobre el Artista

Veronica Ibargüengoitia works in oil on canvas in different formats, creating images of architectural spaces. Her paintings unfold in layers, which she imagines the viewer entering, step by step, finding pleasure in the conundrum behind each geometric form. Ibargüengoitia is currently in the Block Program of the Glassell School of Arts at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH). She is finishing her Certificate in Sculpture at the MFAH, and recently completed her Certificate in Painting at the MFAH. She has studied with many artists in different disciplines in the U.S. and in Mexico, and her work has been shown in national and international juried shows. She is a member of the Visual Arts Alliance, Houston Arts Alliance and Sociedad Mexicana de Autores de las Artes Plasticas, Mexico. She holds a BA in Industrial Design from Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. Born in Mexico City, she lives in Houston, Texas.