Ruppert, John

Ruppert, John

Sobre el Artista

JOHN RUPPERT was born in Winchester, Massachusetts, in 1951 and received his MFA from the School for American Craftsman, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, in 1977. Ruppert’s work has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions in museums, sculpture parks and galleries both in the United States and abroad. Reviews of his work have been published in Art in America, Sculpture, the New Art Examiner, the Washington Post, Baltimore Sun, the New York Times and Art China. From 1962-64 he lived in Amman, Jordan. Became active in archaeology and traveled throughout the area (Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, and Cyprus), visited sites and participated in several digs. Experiencing the remains of ancient cities and civilizations in the barren landscape has had a lasting effect on him and his artwork. Ruppert, who is a full Professor and past Chair of the Department of Art at the University of Maryland, College Park, from 1998 to 2011, has been on the faculty there since 1987. Web Site