Erika Strack

Erika Strack

Sobre el Artista

From photography to painting My concern is to design the objective environment in its materiality as simple as possible and to capture the respective mood. I do not follow a certain direction in the sense of a style. I don't have a program, but an aesthetic concept, whereby I try to keep as many possibilities of expression as possible open to me. I prefer a rather sparse and simple formal language. In the course of my work it has developed an ever greater simplicity. For me, painting is the translation of visual reality. I let myself be guided by the moment that hits my heart, I trust my feeling. I don't think. I want to hold on, I want to lose myself in the moment, something strange happens, the shapes, the colours, the light. The event clings firmly to my thoughts and dreams are lost in my head to flow out of my hand again. I don't want to imitate nature, I don't want to hold on to nature, but I want to reproduce the moment of sensations. Since there is no trace of abstraction in this art, we call it concrete art. For a long time the styles of painting have been blurred, I also use individual art movements, such as layer painting or spatula technique. My paintings should be brought onto the canvas as the theme requires. I don't let myself be misled, because some things need the tenderness and much the momentum and the wildness of an expression. To learn the craft is security, to use the technique is the perfection, to touch people with my theme, the greatest. Erika Strack