Luc & Christine

Luc & Christine

Sobre el Artista

We are a pair of artists, producing together drawings made first with traditional tools (ink, pen, acrylic, pastel, charcoal...) and then transformed on a computer, using digital techniques that allow to increase the complexity of compositions, add textures, colors, and create specific atmospheres. We try to unify opposites like life to death, female flesh to bones, childhood to mortality or youth to age, but also real to dreams. We are fond of places full of mystery and enigma, weird and baroque atmospheres, ruins and forests as sanctuaries. Bodies, skeletons, links between humans and animal/vegetal/mineral, metamorphosis, and visions facing death or supernatural are our main sources of inspiration. We also accumulate «naturalia» (i.e., skulls, fossils, stuffed animals) that we think to join one day to our work with the aim to create a dialog between 2 & 3D material. Our website: