Schaback Ralf

Schaback Ralf

Sobre el Artista

What would a work of art be without viewers? Art provokes strong feelings and stimulates thought processes. A work of art can meet with approval or rejection. It can awaken longing, melancholy, joy, horror, fear, sadness or simply a sense of beauty. How art affects the individual cannot be explained. There are no rules for this. Excerpt from: RALF SCHABACK Creative artist My life has always been characterized by creativity. I draw this creative energy from walks in nature. Artistic education: I learnt my artistic skills mainly autodidactically as well as with well-known artists at home and abroad. Picture content: My motives move mostly on the abstract-surrealistic level. Thereby I let realistically drawn motives flow into each other and try to give things new connections. Techniques: I work with different painting media such as encaustic(beeswax), oil, pastel chalk, gouache, acrylic and glazed colours. Sometimes I also combine different painting materials in the same picture, such as acrylic, pastel and oil colours.