Luca Piccinini ( LUCAPICTOR )

Luca Piccinini ( LUCAPICTOR )

Sobre el Artista

Biographical notes by Luca Piccinini ( LUCAPICTOR). Born in L'Aquila, 20 March 1962. After attending the successful 1 st year of sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts of L'Aquila, he takes a long time to music as a tenor singing with various vocal groups and is attending the Conservatory of Music in his hometown , that the courses of "Deller Academy" in Lacoste en Provence (France). In 1991 he moved to Venice where he studied engraving at the International School of Graphics. In 1992 at the "Novum Comum" organized by the Art Gallery Solenghi Como winning in the incision. Of December 2003 is his first solo exhibition at the Palazzo Comunale di Cesena. In 2004, in August, sets out with a solo show at the Palace of the Nobles of L'Aquila. Between October and December of 2004 he exhibited at the Palazzo dei Congressi Capri and the Amalfi Ancient Arsenals. During the months of May and June 2007 at the Hotel prepares a staff of City of Forli. In March 2008 she participated in the Fair of Contemporary Art "Paint Art Fair 2008". In June 2008 he exhibited with a solo show at the 6th edition of "Art and artists hill "to Sadurano (Forli). In November of that year is to "Contemporary 2008" in Forlì. During the months of February and March 2009 sets up a personal Castrocaro Terme (Forlì) at the restaurant "La Cantinaza". In May the same year he participated in the exhibition "Happening" the Foundation "T. Gottarelli "in Imola (Bologna). In the month of September is the 14th Competition in Genova "Saturarte" Associazione Culturale Satura. From 4 to 17 July 2011 participated in the exhibition "Les Italiens" at the Galerie de L'Europe in Paris. In the period since March 22nd to April 1°th 2012, he exposes at the Study Iroko Of Milan in the show "The meat domain". Since October 29th to November 11th 2012, he takes part in the show "Die Italiener" at Reuss Galerie of Berlin. From the 13 April 27, 2013 has exhibited at the premises of the Busuoli Cafe in Mirandola (Modena). It is present from June 29 to July 26, 2013 the "constitutions" at the Church of Periclitanti in Naples. From 7/5/2013 until 7/28/2013 exposes in the review " Scream of silence; in the 150th anniversary of the birth of Edvard Munch ", Palazzo Albertini in Forlì. At the Galleria Assoarte di Ancona is present in the review "Emotions" from 11 to 7/20/2013. In the months of September, October and November 2013 exhibits at the Gallery "Red Cinnabar" of Rome. From 09/17/2016 to 10/9/2016 him he exhibited in the exhibition "Eikòn – Iconography and psyche” at the Exclusive Gallery of Teano (Caserta). He lives and works in Forlì (Italy) , in Francesco Riva 26. Tel: +39054360513 Mobile: +393405707144 E-mail: