Sobre el Artista

"To experiment and explore..that is the true joy in the creative process. I don't believe a painting formula that works commercially again and again is true Art. . My style is personal, Places I have been...people I have known..experiences my eyes have seen..and how I translate it though Creativity" "When I work I use color to drawn the viewer into my world. Everyone perceives a painting differently,as their own eyes view it, and draw their own unique feelings and conclusions, just like every other person on the planet. My paintings entice the senses to explore beyond what their eyes tell them. Born in Wisconsin, Jim has produced art his entire life. Truly, since early childhood, and will paint tomorrow. Jim first attended Layton School of Art in Milwaukee, and was initially enrolled in advertising Illustration, but quickly was swept into the free flowing river of painting fine art. . After several years at Layton, Jim was accepted into Minneapolis School of Art. There he had a guest instructor in 1966 named Christo Javacheff, Later known as Christo, the renown Installation artist. Marin counties' Running Fence" in 1982, and Central Parks "Gates" in 2005 are examples of his work. For the semester project at Minneapolis, Christo had art students cram in a huge weather balloon and his biography describes it as: 42,390 Cubicfeet Package 1966 at the Walker Art Center and the Minneapolis School of Art. Length:18 meters (60 feet) Polyethylene: 720 square meters (8,000 square feet). Manila rope: 914 meters (3,000 feet) Duration: Three day He taught a "open" class called constructions and Installation art for the Semester project. Very few of the art students really understood what this art icon was attempting. This is art, we would ask?We all thought he was even crazier than we were. He taught us too push the limits beyond what is known in the world of Art. The rest is Art history. "My work is not merely to decorate a wall; Rather to absorb the viewer in visual Phenomenon, and view with a gaze of Vernal openness, to look with new eyes."