Doors to I

Rosana de Montfort

Selection of latest works by artist, who is heavily influenced by the latest political, economical and social development. The way forward is instinctively obscured here, as artist's vision progresses towards a realization, that we live in dynamics spiraling downwards. The situation is resolute and there is no space for a U turn, sensing, that the only thing left to us is to pick and enjoy the best parts of what remains and turn back to what is yet to come. The allegory in this vision is the fact, we are creators of our destiny and despite being portrayed as a perfect society developing towards a steady liberalization and democratic values, we still adhere to firmly set habits we see no imminent reason to give up. All the paintings are the production reflecting the world the artist lives in for past 5 years and the observer can feel the galloping tendency to shock us in our reflection, however even though we are presented with the image of our actions, we see them as an anecdote and mildly entertained we carry on as usual.

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Rosana de Montfort

Latest selection of the artists series exhibited in 2022.