Anne Farrall Doyle

Anne Farrall Doyle

Sobre el Artista

I attended Stockport College of Art & commenced to work in an Advertising Agency following which I began my career as a freelance Illustrator with a top London Agent. During this time I built up a formidable reputation as a figurative & fashion Artist working for high profile clients in England & Europe. Having travelled widely in the course of my career I lived & worked in Spain, Paris, Los Angeles & Ireland. In Ireland I travelled with my dog to many parts, enjoyng my passions for painting, music,& Hurling. Whilst in Ireland I was honoured to be chosen to design 6 stamps, winning a European award for these. I now live in Pembrokeshire, Wales, following my hobbies of Ancient History, Antiques, Gardening & Photography. Oil paint is my chosen medium with which I aim to capture essential relationships of light & shadow, with harmonious colour & composition.