Robbie Fitzpatrick

Robbie Fitzpatrick

Sobre el Artista

Robbie's life before watercolor focused on writing, with frequent forays into artistic pursuits. After finishing her education with a Ph.D. from Texas A&M, she retired from teaching college English and began concentrating seriously on her art. She began with pottery, moving quickly to pencil drawings, and then watercolor. With watercolor, she discovered her wish to tell stories through her painting. Dedicated to a realistic style of portraying everything from landscapes, still lifes, and portraits, Robbie most enjoys painting moments in the lives of animals. That love has guided her into numerous acceptances into watercolor exhibitions and national and international awards. Her work has also earned an acceptance into Northlight Books' "Splash 18: Light and Dark" and "Splash 20: Creative Compositions," second place in the Animals category of the Artists Magazine's 2016 Annual Art Competition, Finalist in the Southwest Art Magazine's 2016 and Honorable Mention in the 2018 Artist Excellence Competitions, and Finalist in the Art Renewal Center's 2017 Salon. Robbie is a Signature Member of nine watercolor societies and and a juried member of the Society of Animal Artists and the International Guild of Realism. Now a Signature member of Women Artists of the West, another of her proudest accomplishments has been acceptance into the Art Renewal Center as a Living Artist.