Nina Gabriel

Nina Gabriel

Sobre el Artista

Nina Gabriel’s BIO “Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost Nina Gabriel is an artist, poet, writer working from her home-based studio in Los Angeles, California, USA. For many years she worked at several major corporations here in California and in Canada. In the year 2001 she established her company Nina Gabriel Refinement & Style. Along with her working career, she always kept studying, majoring in Psychology and Naturopathy, currently doing Masters Degree in Natural Healing/Naturopathy. Her interests include Music, Art, Poetry, Design, Philosophy, Numerology, Astrology, Esoteric Astrology, Mythology, Metaphysics, Kabbalah, Chinese Calligraphy, Feng Shui and many natural therapies such as Aromatherapy, Healing Touch, Reflexology, Reiki, Yoga, Tai Chi and many more. Her art represents many philosophies, combining her deep interest in different cultures, beliefs and many forms of expression. Nina Gabriel’s art has contributed enormously to her own spiritual growth, at the same time testing her patience, persistence and will. It is her sincere wish that her art brings peace, happiness and joy to anyone that appreciates it, bringing forth many positive feelings such as love, faith, confidence and truly all the good that art has to offer. Participated in the Fifth Annual International Biennale of Contemporary Art Exhibit, which took place in Fortezza da Basso in Florence, Italy in December/2005- http://www.florencebiennale.orgCollage/Assemblage “Music of my Soul” along with short Bio is printed in International Biennale of Contemporary Art 2005 catalog. She received a diploma from the City of Florence for participation in Biennale exhibit. In November 2005 two collages” Destiny” and “Beauty” were exhibited at 2nd International Collage Exhibition in Vilnius, Lithuania In August 2006 became a member of World Poets Society – A Literary Organization for Contemporary Poets from all around the World. (W.P.S.) In 2006 was nominated and became a member of “Who’s Who Art Club International” she was granted two pages with Bio and two artwork illustrations and review with appraisals of three of her artworks: “Treasures of the Sea“, “Music of My Soul” and Metamorphosis # 2. The Catalog was issued in November 2006. Nina Gabriel’s signature as an accredited artist is deposited in International Signatures Bank in Switzerland. In 2006 a selection of Nina Gabriel’s artworks were exhibited at the following Exhibitions and Galleries: Art Fair, Florence, Italy – March 2006 Regi Emilia, Italy by Svenska Konstagalleriet, Malmo – 2006 EuropArt – Geneva, Switzerland – by Svenska Konstgalleriet, Malmo -April 2006 Cannes, France – by Svenska Konstagalleriet, Malmo -May 2006 Montserrat Gallery, New York Chelsea Art Market – May 2006-08 Mozart Festival, Salzburg, Austria – by Svenska Konstgalleriet, Malmo- August 2006 Art Marabella, Spain – by Svenska Konstagalleriet, Malmo – September 2006 4th International Art Festival “Chania 2006” – Chania, Crete, Greece – November 2006 Svenska Konstgalleriet, Malmo, – several exhibitions in 2006 3rd International Collage Exhibition Vilnius, Lithuania– November 2006 “Mystery” Collage In November 2006 was Included to the 2006-2007 Metropolitan Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals “Honors Edition” of the Registry- USA In November 2006 became a member of The International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction – donating “The center of Baqua” collage to the museum. Included to: The Source of Architectural & Interior Art – The Artful Home – The Guild – Nina Gabriel Refinement & Style with two artworks Metamorphosis #2 & The Path of the Soul is featured in 22nd Edition in September 2007 – Art-Edition of “International Artists 2007/Masters” – Omma Center of Contemporary Art- Included: “The Path of the Soul” The catalog is distributed to selected book stores and also sold through In January 2007 received invitation to participate in Sixths International Biennale of Contemporary Art Exhibit, which took take place in Fortezza da Basso in Florence, Italy in December 2007- In March 2007 participated in Primo Piano Livin Gallery “The Secret Garden Art Woman Exhibition “held in Lecce, Italy. Exhibiting two collages “The Key to our Higher Self” and “Reflections of the Rainbow on the Flower.” Exhibited “The Path of the Soul” & “Phoenix rising from the ashes” Collages/assemblages at Primo Piano Gallery in Lecce, Italy “THE DREAM “ Exhibition- June 2007 5th International Art Festival “Chania 2007” Crete, Greece – July 2007 Exhibited two paintings: “Birds of Paradise” and “Passions of Aquarius” Exhibited two “Healing Mika” collages and “Wisdom of Sophia” collage/assemblage at Primo Piano LivinGallery, Lecce, Italy- November 2007 – “The Eagle and the Swan” Exhibition- In December 2007 received a diploma of excellence honorable award from Art Now Artoteque/London Global art annual for “The Path of the Soul” collage/assemblage In December 2007 received invitation from Gallery Gora – Montreal, Canada for solo exhibition in 2008/09 In December 2007 joined Save the Children – Charitable organization. In 2007 became a member and a participating artist of Art Word Project in favor of children in need showcasing “The Path of the Soul” collage – In 2008: Received invitation from Erenus Art Gallery to participate in exhibition “Instances” which was held in Istanbul – March 2008 Received an invitation from Immagini Spazio Arte Art Gallery in Cremona, Italy for Solo and permanent space exhibitions for 2008 art season Received an invitation to participate at First International Biennale of Contemporary Art which will be held in Chapingo, Mexico in November 2008 Became a participating member/artist at ART OLYMPIC CASA CARE AND SHARE ART NOBEL PRIZE FOR CHILDREN CASA VILLAGE Please refer to to find out more information. These ideas are to enhance love, help the less fortunate around the globe , help protect the environment, enhance world peace, tolerance, co-operation, understanding, acceptance, confidence, recognition, human rights, cultural enrichment, global coherence. Currently exhibiting three of her artworks at Lark Gallery online: “Music of my Soul” collage/assemblage, “The Path of my Soul” collage/assemblage with recorded poem “Flight to the Moon” and “Birds of Paradise” abstract painting Received Honorary mention with certificate for her works “Synthesis” e-Exhibition– reception on November 15/2013 till end of 2013 year exhibition at Mkrtchyan Art Gallery – Glendale, California In September 2013 Participated at “Bridge to the Soul” Artforallpeople art exhibition, donated/sold “Passions of Aquarius” painting for USC Institute of Generic Medicine Please visit Nina Gabriel’s websites: or to see the variety of her works/poetry/art critic’s reviews, press releases and publication. Nina currently finished writing her three books “My Life’s Journey”, “Spiritually inspired artworks with signs and symbols explained” and “Poetry with artworks” with her poetry and artworks. Currently writing her 4th book “Aromatherapy and Herbology” with her own formulas included.