berrichi sassi

berrichi sassi

Sobre el Artista

Hallo ... ( Art is the oxygen of life and colors are the waves .... and pine for what is art and painting the ship and Painting is the space and freedom ... Sail and creativity and hope The artist is the ambassador of meaning and beauty...) With all due respect you and appreciate my type ... permîtes me and me to introduce myself I am a young amateur artist and sculpture Algerian ... Acunhien I learned to read books and magazine magazines, art and daily practice ... Mie talent development, after 29 years of experience and the currency of a large number of art galleries ... and I paint on silk and with sands and decorations and calligraphy ... I want to work in the field of art and finished my studies of art and seek help for 7 years ... and I continue to watch because life is hope ... I correspond with institutes ... and associations to participate in art shows I'm looking for a chance to show my talent and my techniques and could sell some Of my work ... because art has no country and I am waiting for your answer I was pleased Best regards and wishes .....