Emilio Cianfoni

Emilio Cianfoni

Sobre el Artista

Emilio Cianfoni’s abstract works consist of complimentary or contrasting oil on lime primer in a pictorial dimension. Most of the time the work begins spontaneously, then builds gradually as it develops. Preceding his most recent works, he dedicated his time to painting conservation, which gave him a different perspective. He redefines his media by returning to the artistry of using paint brushes. Painters such as George Romney and William Glackens have impacted his practice. In Italy, he was an expressionist; later in the US he progressed to his current work. Accompanying his new art works he uses his lime paint with a conceptual approach. An example of his work is the “Van Dyck Brown” painting, (pg. 7), where the pigment transforms by titanium white towards the center in- duced by the red color at the edges.