Richard Weiner

Richard Weiner

Sobre el Artista

Richard Weiner, Sculptor Artist Bio Born and raised in Philadelphia, I began experimenting with sculptor’s clay in high school and attended Franklin and Marshall College where I completed dual majors in psychology and studio art. I took every sculpture and carving course the art department offered then went on to complete a two-year independent study in direct carving (one year pre- and one year post-baccalaureate) under the direction and supervision of the art department chair and well known American sculptor Edmund Whiting, Jr. For the next 30 years as I pursued my career as a clinical psychologist I continued to carve sporadically, producing a limited number of works in my spare time. During this period, I rarely exhibited, sold some sculptures through a private network of patrons but mostly gave my work away as gifts- unfortunately, often without photographing them. In 2006 I began devoting more time to sculpture and since that time have produced a significant body of new work allowing me to exhibit and make my art available to the public. In 2010, I created a website for my work at and maintain a web presence on sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, Fine Art America and Tumbler. In recent years, my work has appeared in various media venues such as The Journal of Academic Medicine (cover artist), The Philadelphia Inquirer and the Chestnut Hill Local newspapers and in The Best of American Artists Series-Sculpture (Volume II, Kennedy Publishing Co.). My sculpture has been featured in many art shows and exhibitions around the Philadelphia area and has received numerous Juror awards, most recently “Outstanding-New-Artist” and “Best-in-Sculpture” at the New Hope Arts Center and the Eighth Annual Meadowood Art Exhibition, respectively. As an artist and clinical psychologist, I am a strong advocate for the use and integration of art in healthcare and medical environments. There is now a significant body of research demonstrating that visual art and artistically designed environments have positive effects on clinical outcomes as well as on patients and their family’s experience of care. My sculptures are evocative, visually sensual in nature and often reflect some aspect of human relationships. Some pieces attempt to address themes such as connection, affiliation, sensuality, touch as well as whimsy and not taking oneself too seriously. Inquiries, comments and questions may be sent to: