KARAK Bolotbek Karakeev

KARAK Bolotbek Karakeev

Sobre el Artista

Karakeev Bolotbek Isagalievich was born in 1948 in Frunze of the Kyrgyz SSR. In 1968 he graduated from the Frunze Arts College. The main kind of his artistic activity was graphic design, decoration and illustration of books. Also, he worked with painting techniques. He lives and works in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. In 1993, together wit Alexander Karpov, he established the “KARAK” creative collaboration. His works can be found in the Gapar Aitiev Kyrgyz State Museum of Art, Abylkhan Kasteev Museum in Almaty, Kazakhstan, as well as in personal collections in USA, Russia, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Germany, Lebanon, Canada and Kazakhstan. He has been a member of the Kyrgyzstan’s Artistic Union since 1999. Full corresponding member and Academician of the International Arts Academy. Personal exhibitions: 05.07.1998 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, House of Artists 14.12.2001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Gapar Aitiev Museum of Arts 07.05.2003 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Artists’ Town 21.04.2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan, Abylkhan Kasteev Museum 19.10.2006 Almaty, Kazakhstan, Central Exhibition Hall 14.08.2007 Paris, France, International Centre of Art (Espace Musique) 05.11.2008 Moscow, Russia, Central House of Artists 20.01.2011 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Gallery “Oak Park” Exhibition activity: 05.04.2002 Novosibirsk State Art Museum 23.03.2006 Istanbul, Turkey, Gallery “Istanbul Davlet Guzel Sanatlar Galereisi” “Tengri 06” 10.04.2006 Burgas, Bulgaria, Galleries “Bogoridi” 19.08.2017 New York, USA, Chelsea, Agora gallery.