juanita capogna

juanita capogna

Sobre el Artista

JUANITA CAPOGNA Born December 9th, 1967, in Corato, Italy. Studied ceramics at the National Art Institute, and painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of Bari under Richard Anthoi, who taught her the sense of composition, color, sperimentation, research and, above all, the meaning of free and individual self-expression. She was awarded the Master in Web Art Director from the MCM, School of Management Training of Modugno, Italy. Subsequently, did a placement with the online portal "Book Puglia" in Bari. Performed restoration works on frescoes for the Cathedral of Lucera (FG); on canvases, frames and furniture for the Prefecture of Bari; on stone caryatides for the Petruzzelli Theatre. Painted murals for commercial premises. She is a practicing artist working across disciplines and styles, including animation and graphic design for Asviform, in Bari. Her work is influenced by diverse cultures, from Islamic to Aboriginal, from Egyptian to Pre-Columbian. More recently, she has been trained by Nunzia Tarantini, Psychologist Psychotherapist, on the psychological meaning of children drawings. She currently teaches in her private studio.