Johannis Tsoumas

Johannis Tsoumas

Sobre el Artista

Johannis Tsoumas was born in Piraeus and has conducted studies both in the field of Fine Arts and Art History (HND (Design Ceramics) Harrow College of Higher Education, BA (Hons) Fine Arts / 3D Design, Middlesex University, London / Master of Arts in the History of Design, Middlesex University, London / Ph.D in Art History, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki). His painting has been distinguished by originality, both from a thematic and a stylistic point of view. He has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in many art galleries in Greece, Great Britain and Sweden. Many of his works belong to private and public art collections around the world. He works as an academic as well as a fine artist. He is the author of four important books on the History of Art, Architecture and Design.