Gabriela Nunez

Gabriela Nunez

Sobre el Artista

Born and raised in Lima, Peru. Gabriela Nunez moved to the East Bay in her late teens. Since she was young has love for art. As she developed her artistic ability, she primarily focused on the women and children of the Andes. Gabriela’s inspiration comes from the innocence of the Indian people of the Andes, the ready expression of emotions on their faces, the size and strength of their hands and feet, the hard diligent work they do for very little, especially the women who tend fields, raise the children and hand make their own and their family’s clothing. She is impressed by the close-knit, supporting culture the exists amongst the women. Gabriela would like people to see the beauty and pride she has for the women of the Peruvian Andes and to feel the love she has for her heritage and culture. Gabriela obtained most of her art training at Contra Costa College and Laney College. Gabriela has been greatly influenced by Diego Rivera and Vincent Van Goth, who both used brilliant colors and gave movement in her brush strokes. She likes Diego Rivera because he also painted indigenous of his country, Mexico. Gabriela uses different mediums to express herself. She paints with oils, acrylics and water colors. Her favorite medium is colored pencils. Today, she is learning the art of print making and has made several etchings and block prints. She has shown her work around the Bay Area , San Francisco and San Juan Bautista, California. Peruvian National Hymn Jaime Cuadra Videos of Peruvian Music PAINTING EXHIBITS East Bay Open Studios Oakland, CA Laney College June, 2008 Expressions Gallery Berkeley, CA March - April 2008 East Bay Open Studios Oakland, CA Laney College June, 2007 Peruvian Consulate San Francisco, CA March- June 2007 East Bay Open Studios Oakland, CA Laney College June, 2006 Galeria Tonantzin San Juan Bautista, CA March -26, 2006 La Pena Cultural Center Berkeley, CA March- May 2006 Mission Cultural Center San Francisco, CA Feb.-March 2003 La Pena Cultural Center Berkeley, CA Jan.- March 2003 Mission Cultural Center San Francisco, CA Sept.- Oct. 2000 Peruvian Consulate San Francisco, CA July- Aug. 2000 La Pena Cultural Center Berkeley, CA April- May 1999 La Pena Cultural Center Berkeley, CA August 1996 California Autism Foundation Richmond, CA J une 1996 Gallery of The Rim San Francisco, CA October 1995 Zachary’s first prize painting Berkeley, CA May 1995 Zachary’s first prize painting Oakland, CA May 1993 The Energy Art Studio Oakland, CA July 1993 The Energy Art Studio Oakland, CA June 1992 East Bay Artist Directory Paintings Video of Peru Video of Lima, Peru Propiedad Privada Jime Cuadra Viva Mancora Cajamarca, Peru 510-220-7580 Wayra- Save the Earth andes The Oakland Mayor and her Husband, Floyd at my house for 2011 East Bay Open Studios. The Oakland Mayor and me showing painting that she bough.