Rusu Carmen Cecilia

Rusu Carmen Cecilia

Sobre el Artista

Carmen Cecilia Rusu is an artist born in Dej and has recently affirmed herself in the field after multiple painting exhibitions in which she participated. Since 2014, the artist has returned to his childhood passion, namely painting, participating to date in 32 national exhibitions. 119 international exhibitions in Italy,Austria,Bulgaria,Slovakia, England, Switzerland,France and U.S.A. In order to better understand his universe, we can reflect on the following statements made on his works: “Interesting abstract compositions. There is a "hidden geometry" of the panel support, which highlights an optical center (geometric, of interest), highlighted by lines of compositional force. "- Zamfir DUMITRESCU;" Indeed, his works are atypical and I think his success is due to the absolutely original style, unmistakable for the exploitation of one color, based on another - a chromatic tandem in symbols "- Felicia RACEANU., An echo of the real events whose protagonist or witness It is.