Jacek Sikora

Jacek Sikora

Sobre el Artista

Jacek Sikora - it is a man who has always been at the center of his artistic interests, and although he began his adventure with art on the stage, working with Marcel Marceau, Corinne Soum and Steve Wasson, as well as Gerard Wilk and Andre Glegolski, Sotigui Kuyate and Peter Brook he developed his language of silent artistic expression. It was studies at Ecole Internationale de Mimodrame de Paris, Marcel Marceau and Ecole de Mime Corporel Dramatique that opened him to the expression and the code of gestures of the human body, which he transferred on canvas. His artistic path has evolved from acting and pantomime towards visual arts and easel painting. Entranced by traditional Japanese art - sumi-e, ink painting on paper - he begins his search with figurative art based on monochrome color, in which we find the most characteristic features of his work - color minimalism and the desire to reduce detail. Recently, the color has been bolder, which emphasizes the importance of the symbols hidden in his paintings. Today, paintings by Jacek Sikora can be found in collections in Great Britain, USA, Russia, Australia, France, Cyprus, the Arab Emirates and Japan.