Anna Poerio

Anna Poerio

Sobre el Artista

Anna Poerio is an Italian painter and essayist. In 1997 she graduated in Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures at “L’Orientale” University of Naples. In 2001 she founded the “Alessandro Poerio Cultural Association” and in 2011 she founded the “Poerio - Imbriani Prize”. Since 2002 she has organized prestigious cultural events in very important Italian institutions. As a painter, since 2004 Anna Poerio has taken part with great success in very significant exhibitions in Italy and abroad in important institutions and galleries, including La Telaccia Art Gallery, Turin, 2004; Padova Art Fair, Padoa (November 2004); International Caluma Art Center, Copenaghen, (May 2005); Capri Art, Congress Palace, Capri (August 2005); Crispi Gallery, Rome, 2006; Taverna Civic Museum, Taverna (CZ), 2006; Poerio Palace, Belcastro (CZ), 2007; Art in mind, The Brick Lane Gallery, London, February 2010; Margini Family Gallery, Milan, 2012; Istituto Banco di Napoli Fondazione, Naples, December 2012; Castel Capuano, Naples, December 2013; Porto Franco collective exhibition, cured by Vittorio Sgarbi, Palermo, July 2014; Spoleto Art meets Venice, cured by Vittorio Sgarbi, Ivancich Palace, Venice, October 2014; Rari Nantes Club, Naples, November 2015; Non gir vagando intorno, o Fantasia. An homage to Alessandro Poerio’s poems, personal exhibition at Maschio Angioino, Naples, January 2016; Parallax Art Fair, Chelsea Town Hall, London, February 2017. According to Vittorio Sgarbi, “it is fresh and without sophistication the idea of beauty that underlies Anna Poerio’s works, often accomplished through elegant choreographic representations, so as to make us remember that the human body, caught in harmonic movements that express the level of ideal balance with nature, is still poetry par excellence, today as yesterday, today as tomorrow”.