Ilham Mirzayev

Ilham Mirzayev

Sobre el Artista 1965 Was born in Nakhchivan, the Azerbaijan Republic. 1980 – 84 Studied at the State Arts School named after Azim Azimzadeh. 1984 – 86 Served in the Soviet Army. 1986 Started the creative work – painting. 1989 The member of the Artists’ Union of USSR / youth group. 1991 The member of the Artists’ Union of USSR / after disintegration of USSR in 1991 – since then -the member of the Artists’ Union of Azerbaijan. 1992 As a Production Designer of the play “The letter from Takhtali village” by the Turkish playwright A.Nesin, staged in State Drama Theatre. 1992 Held Personal exhibition /in Nakhchivan branch of Azerbaijan Artists’ Union. 1993 Held Personal exhibition / Gallery “Absheron Colors/ Baku”. 2010 Diplomas – For three paintings, "Civilization", "Silence", "Mirage- II" “RUSSIANARTWEEK”- The Moscow house of the artist. Russia-Moscow. 2011 The participant in the exhibition “UKRAINIANARTWEEK-2011”. Kiev, Ukraine 2011 Participated in the spring International Competition of Painting “GERMANARTWEEK-2011”held in Berlin, Germany and 2 works got places: 1st-place for the painting «Harmony of Colors-3» in the nomination «ABSTRACT PAINTING», 2 nd-place for the painting “The Tragedy of Purity” in the nomination "The Religious and Esoteric Art", 2011 Participated and was winner for 2 works in the International Competition of Painting “St.PETERSBURGARTWEEK-2011”, St.Petersburg, Russia , 1)1st -place for “The Tragedy of Purity” in the nomination «The Religious and Esoteric Art" 2) 3rd-place for the painting «Harmony of Colors-3», in the nomination «ABSTRACT PAINTING» 2011 Participant and winner in the spring” International Competition of Painting- “BULGARIANARTWEEK-2011”; 1st -place for the painting «Harmony of Colors-3» in the nomination «Experimental Painting», 3rd -place for the painting “The Lonely Woman “.-Sofia, Bulgaria 2011 Participated in “Winners’ ART WEEK in MONTENEGRO". Montenegro - Danilovgrad, Kotor, Podgoritsa, Budva. 2011 Participant and winner in the International Competition of Painting “MOSCOWARTWEEK”,-held in Moscow House of the Artists, Moscow, Russia 3rd –place for the work «On a Summer Residence» in the nomination «ABSTRACT PAINTING». 2011 Participant and winner in the International competition of painting "RUSSIANARTWEEK-2011"- held in “Modern Art Center –Gallery “М’ars”. - Moscow, Russia. 1st place for the painting «Gold Sails» and 3rd place for in the «On a summer residence» in the Nomination «Experimental Painting». 2012 Two paintings are included in the catalog of the International Fund of Art. 2013 It is awarded by the Chairman of Supreme Medzhlis Nakchivan АР Mr. Vasif Talibov, "Gold medal" let out by National Bank of Azerbaijan in honour of the 85 anniversary Nakchivan АР. 2014 Held Personal exhibition, Union of Artists of Azerbaijan. Baku 2016 Azerbaijan, "Watercolors" contest,1st place. Baku. 2017 The contest in honor of the 25th anniversary of independence Azerbaijan. Nomination- painting-1st place. Baku . There are some works –some paintings in private collections and in foreign countries- Two paintings in the Azerbaijan President’s private collection, one in the private collection of the Chairman of Nakhchivan Autonomy Republic –part of Azerbaijan, one is in the private collection of one shareholder of (London –England) "SOTHEBY’S" in Monaco. Also there are some more paintings in other private collections and countries.