Torhild Frøydis Eid

Torhild Frøydis Eid

Sobre el Artista

I am born in 1961, living in Norway. I started painting in 2018, but ever since my childhood, drawing and colors have been of great joy! . For the time being mostly non figurative, and mixed media. Wet in wet, layer on layer and different textures to create dephts and life. My paintings are spontanious, and often performed in a meditative state of mind. I am inspired by the nature, the sea the sky and the light.What I hear, what I read and what I see. I want to awake and remind the observer of all the the beauty in life. My wish is that the Power of Art can make the World a more peaceful place. My deep desire is that my artworks can have a calming and healing effect, Maybe to help and to give rest in a World of chaos and great challenges ❤️