Dominique Faivre

Dominique Faivre

Sobre el Artista My name is Dominique Chantal Faivre I always loved colors, I knew I would enjoy painting in oils. France, the country of my birth and where I lived till my late teens, was the right place to appreciate and love art. My family and I moved to Canada. I am a self-taught artist, sometimes I do some sketching and then put my ideas onto my canvas, or I work directly onto it. I take some of my inspirations from my photographs that I took during my travels. I work with oils which is my favorite medium, I do mostly landscapes in impressionist style. I like to show into my work a lot of details and colors. In 1994, I entered a regional Juried Art Exhibition at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery. One of my work was selected by the jury to be included in the show. Collections in Europe, Canada and United States.