Enrico Thanhoffer

Enrico Thanhoffer

Sobre el Artista

“Crazed splinters looking for the harmony of life” Architect and artist, a combination often identifying the contemporary creativity. It's enough to think about the venetian Biennial of Architecture to see the importance and the necessity in this new millennium for this field of Artistic Creativity. Thanhoffer develops such attention on prospectives and moving lines which, digitally built, transmit the sense of oppression and anxiety facing the relevant ecologist and environmental topic. “King Oil mining” or “The false hole in the ozone layer” are titles which better specify his interest, but however show us artworks having a strong visual effect both for the shocking colors utilized and the twirling lines surrounding them. The digital painting allows to utilize particularly acid and evocative contrasts and chromaticism, daring where the classic painting doesn't. Thanhoffer gives us hurting and twirling prospectives in which we, spectators, are dragged and swiped away; he shows off his professional knowledge of the architectural design technique. He is charmed by painting and the colors bring him to these brave digital experimentations, having to his disposal high level programs with whom manage the manual side of the computer painting. Thanks to these works he comes out from some schemes, but at the same time he finds out others to compete with and challenge the every day's exact science. Enrico dares, leaving behind the laws of mathematics and physics, and abandoning himself to balancing acts and whirls, where are emotions and outrage to be shaped and colored. The deriving canvas fully synthesize one of the topic of the Review, being connected to the disease and the anxiety of the metropolis' chaotic and dissolute life. The obsessive running after the time and the feeling in constant danger for the lack of energy resources for the planet such as air and water turn hours and minutes in exhausting runs, in imprisoning rises and descents, in vortex we cannot control. These feelings and these prevailing thoughts of the modern man are constants in all his artworks, in which everything and almost all can mirror. The ability to render such obsessive feelings in so a realistic way makes our architect an optimum “ messenger of a global warning” to Human Being. Art is a very good medium to proclaim global and existential problems, for which the artist is only a spokesman or the “newspaper boy” for the front-page-news! He is able to let us see our Life as crazed splinters in which Chaos reigns, missing Harmony in everything surrounding us in Nature. Enrico Thanhoffer offers himself to the public as communicator and Man, who thanks to new art technologies is able to let the complaint about the nowadays Mal de Vivre reach quickly and directly everybody. Francesca Mariotti 2008