Balthazar KAPLAN

Balthazar KAPLAN

Sobre el Artista

Born in 1965 in Paris. Self-taught artist. I live in Rennes (Brittany, France) In 1986, I created with Bathelemy Schwartz the revue Dorénavant, one of the first avant-garde revue of comics theory: this revue (1986 – 1988) proposed a new definition of the comic strip as a simple juxtaposition of pictures. This statement was also a way to create a new connection between comics and paintings: what was at stake then, was not the graphics (like for Lichtenstein or Combas) but the division of the canvas. Thanks to this, the painting would find again its very old and deep temptation: the illusion of time, which can create a narrative or a musical dimension. From 1988 to 2006, I gave up painting and drawing and rather liked to write novels and essays. From 2006, a new generation of comics’ authors discovered again the revue Dorénavant. Some books and articles have been published about it. The website Du9 put online the whole revue. At the same period, I decided to get back to drawing and painting. May-july 2018, first exhibition in The Lavoir, in Rennes (France). Fall 2018 : Publication of two paintings in the Parisian revue “L’Echaudée” (number 8) January 2019, exhibit in Angoulême, during the bande dessinée festival. June 2019, exhibit in the Rennes art market. October 2019 : exhibit in the YIA (Young International Artfair) in Paris October 2020 : exhibit in Elan d’Art in Montpellier