Ricardo Chávez-Méndez

Ricardo Chávez-Méndez

Sobre el Artista

Born in Torréon, Coahuila, Mexico, self-taught artist, Ricardo Chávez-Méndez moved to Albuquerque, New Mexixo at the age of 28. The use of the airbrush for detail in his earlier work has earned him the nickname, "Dali of the Desert," by Airbrush Action Magazine, an apt comparison which he relishes. Ricardo is truly an extraordinary artist. He is introducing the style "Curvismo™" or curvism by way of teaching and gaining a following into the movement. He is also the master artist of technique, color and composition, leaving a trail of awe inspiring art for the art lover, collector and critic alike. Publications include, but not limited in the "The Biographical Dictionary Encyclopedia of Mexican Painting", "Who's Who Among Hispanic Americans", "New Mexico Millennium Collection" and "Triumph of Our Communities" as well as local New Mexican newspaper and magazine articles. His works are included in private collections nationally and internationally, including former First Lady of the United States, Laura Bush and former First Lady of Mexico, Marta Sahagún de Fox. He is co-owner of ORO Fine Art Gallery, the hidden treasure of Albuquerque, New Mexico where he teaches privately as well as group instruction, showing his work and maintaining his gallery and office of graphical and computer design, CYBERDESK Solutions. ~ ARTIST STATEMENT ~ "Art presents itself with a certain kind of energy proceeding from our innermost being so logic or can intellect be art. At the present time there are many people who believe themselves to be artists, just because they are able to paint on a piece of fabric. Art demands discipline and dedication. Art is the most beautiful way to express the talents that man has inherited; that is why it should not be taken as a means of satisfying the "ego", nor a "pose" in regard to society. Consequently Art should only have one purpose in mind: to create. ~ Ricardo Chávez-Méndez ~ Contact ORO Fine Art Gallery at (505) 243-1599. More artwork at www.orogallery.com and www.curvismo.com