Sobre el Artista

My name is Hugo Gonçalves, I am 37 years old and I live in the beautiful island of São Miguel in the magnificent archipelago of the Azores (Portugal), in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. I am a certified IT Technician but above all, I am a true lover of all types of art, especially visual arts. I see art as the ultimate form of freedom. First, I started with music, but early on I became interest in visual arts. Totally self-taught and comfortable with new technologies, I first started experimenting with Photoshop and then integrating other Adobe tools such as Lightroom, InDesign, Illustrator and Premiere, mostly due to professional demands. I am a self-taught visual artist without any academic training in art but combining my perseverance with my desire to learn, I have been improving my aesthetics with an emphasis on the surreal aspect of visual arts, in its majority, photomanipulations using Photoshop. I am constantly looking for inspiration in the work of artists of the most varied strands, whether visual arts or other genres. I try to improve and integrate new techniques in order to be able to express myself in a more real and complete way what I have in mind.