Sobre el Artista

Frank Korb is known for his abstract and plein air works and focuses on the formality of the push and pull of the elements and principles of art in his work. Through the act of laying down the textures of bible pages to build a grid and real texture, he then adds colors, shapes, and additional texture as he considers the dynamics of the space in the picture plane and works toward a balance and harmony. While the intent with which Korb begins each work is important, he is equally concerned with the interpretation of the viewer regarding the relationships he creates within his work. Frank has exhibited throughout Wisconsin in group exhibitions and arts performance events and has been an active member of the plein air community in Wisconsin. Korb earned his Bachelor of Fine Art within graphic design and K-12 art education from the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater and and his Masters of Art in Visual Studies from Cardinal Stritch University. He is an arts educator at Fort Atkinson High School, a board member of the Wisconsin Art Education Association, and is currently participating in the 2019-2020 MARN Mentor program. He lives and works in Burlington, Wisconsin, with his wife Julie.