Gerald Shepherd

Gerald Shepherd

Sobre el Artista

I have been highly creative since my earliest memories.  I have written poetry and prose since my school days and also experimented with performance, conceptual and environmental art.  I started painting seriously in the middle Seventies and by the end of the decade I had devised a variety of highly original styles which I continue to explore to this day. Most of this work combines my passion for art with my interest in the sciences, music and theatre. I am concerned with presenting a more holistic portrayal of the world and I have invented a technique where ideas are developed in a systematic way using structures (derived from scientific or mathematical templates, my rather idiosyncratic imagination or observation of the natural world) and evolving image sequences. The actual imagery involved ranges from simple symbols and ideograms to complex figurative arrangements. My earliest pictures were in black and white and highly complex but I now use a broader palette and a wide range of formats. Much of this work was pioneering and I was one of the first artists in the UK to approach scientists to explore the possibility of collaborative projects. I founded an informal international organization for artists and scientists in the Eighties to facilitate the exchange of information and initiative collective projects between the various communities. I moved on in the Nineties to staging multidisciplinary art events to raise money for environmental, wildlife and animal charities. I now concentrate on arranging group shows of Modern Art in London and my local area. I have exhibited my work very widely and it is represented in many business, public and private collections.  The work is produced in a wide range of sizes to fit all budgets.  I am also happy to work to commission and I am confident I would be able to produce work to a specific requirement