Freddy borges

Freddy borges

Sobre el Artista

REDDY BORGES – FINE ARTIST BORN IN CARACAS, VENEZUELA. 1955. EXHIBITION HISTORY 2017 Oscar Garcia class exhibition. Sculpting in Bronze. Awarded Red dot prize Mariano Del Rosario class exhibition. Mixed media. Awarded Blue dot prize New York Bronze Artists exhibition. Condor Hotel (Williamsburg, Brooklyn) New York Bronze Artists exhibition. St Martin's Episcopal Church (Harlem, New York) Blessing Sacrament Church. Holy Sacrament. Permanent Exhibition The Art Students League of New York. Merit Scholarship Exhibition. Awarded Red dot prize Other: Television Short: Artist featured in "Enfoco" TV series. Episode: "3 Perspectivas en un mismo idioma” (3 perspectives in one language). Episode nominated to an EMMY Award Sculpture "Holy Sacrament" featured in a special event at San Patrick’s Cathedral (New York) 2016 The Art Students League of New York Bill Behnken class exhibition. Printmaking. Awarded Blue dot prize Oscar Garcia class exhibition. Sculpting with Wax. Awarded Blue dot prize 2015 The Art Students League of New York Martha Bloom class exhibiti. Mixed Media. Awarded Blue dot prize Museo Contemporáneo de Arte Moderno. Caracas, Ven. "Visión Antológica de la cerámica en Venezuela. Memoria y presencia” 17th Annual Postcards Edge Exhibition 2014 Luhring Augustine Gallery. 16th Annual Postcards Edge Exhibition 2013 The Art Students League of New York. Annual Welding Metal Sculpture Class Exhibition Sikkemon Jenkins Gallery. 15th annual Postcards Edge Exhibition Art & AIDS. Lesley Lohman Museum 2012 The Art Students League of New York. Annual Welding Metal Sculpture Class Exhibition Clayworks on Columbia Gallery. Annual Exhibition Art & AIDS. Lesley Lohman Museum 2011 The Art Students League of New York. Annual Welding Metal Sculpture Class Exhibition Clayworks on Columbia Gallery. Organic Stories Art & AIDS. Lesley Lohman Museum 2010 Clayworks on Columbia Gallery. Annual Exhibition Atlantic Gallery. Water/Eat Art Zieher Smith Gallery. 12th Annual Postcards Edge Exhibition The Art Students League of New York. Annual Welding Metal Sculpture Class Exhibition Art & AIDS. Lesley Lohman Museum 2009 National Arts Club of New York. “A Celebration in Art, Arbor Day” 2006 Jacob K. Javitz Center International Gift Fair. Freddy Borges Ceramics Environment Store. Window installation. Brooklyn, New York 2005 New York Foundation for the Arts. Holiday Craft Fair Viet Nam Gallery. New York Times Square Lobby Gallery. "The Theme of the Unseen" The Art Students League of New York. Window Installation Ovando Store. New York. Window Installation 2004 New York Foundation for the Arts. Holiday Craft Fair 65 Hope Street Gallery. Brooklyn, New York. Last Exit. 2003 5th Annual Postcards Edge Exhibition General Consulate of Venezuela. New York. Soul Art 2002 4th Annual Postcards Edge Exhibition 2000 Thread Waxing Space. New York. Our Wandering Thoughts Arthur Liman Policy Research Institute Gallery 1999 3rd Annual Postcards Edge Exhibition The Art Students League of New York. Annual Vlass Exhibition. Sculpture. 1998 Museum of Grand Marshall of Ayacucho. Caracas, Ven. Barro Escultórico Art Center Lia Bermudez. Maracaibo, Ven. Emanations of Fire Museum of Barquisimeto. Barquisimeto, Ven. Emanations of Fire Cultural Museum Braulio Salazar. Valencia, Ven. Emanations of Fire National Gallery of Art. Caracas, Ven. Emanations of Fire 1997 The Francisco Narvaez Museum of Contemporary Arts. Margarita Is., Ven. Barro Escultórico Museum of Modern Art Juan Astorga. Mérida, Ven. Emanations of Fire Plaza Venezuela AVAF. Caracas, Ven. Our Everything Hotel Mare Mares. Puerto La Cruz, Ven. Secret Contemporary Art 1996 Sotage Gallery. Puerto La Cruz, Ven. Birds of Backwater 1995 Museum of Contemporary Art Mario Abreu. Maracay, Ven. Fraternity Auction Exhibition. Maracay, Ven. Museum of Contemporary Art AVAF. Caracas, Ven.15th Anniversary Exhibition Salón Otero. Puerto Azul, Ven. Among Ceramic and Glass Sotage Gallery. Puerto La Cruz, Ven. Feast of Gods 1994 Museum of Contemporary Art. Caracas, Ven. New Acquisitions Paradigma Gallery. Miami, FL. Lights of America: A Collection of Venezuelan Arts Central University of Venezuela Gallery. Caracas, Ven. Spiral Ceramic Expressions Miami Business Center. Miami, FL. Venezuelan Expression 1993 Museum of Contemporary Art Mario Abreu. Maracay, Ven. 18th Aragua National Salon for the Arts. Maracay, Ven. Consolidated Towers. Caracas, Ven. First Coca-Cola Cultural Festival Salon. 4th World Triennial of Small Ceramics. Zagreb, Croatia Sotage Gallery. Puerto La Cruz, Ven. Rupture 1992 Museum of Contemporary Art Mario Abreu. Maracay, Ven. 17th Aragua National Salon for the Arts. Maracay, Ven. Tito Salas Gallery of Contemporary Art. Caracas, Ven. Installation. Eco Profundo Equis Gallery. Oranjestad, Aruba. Venezuelan Arts and Artisans 1991 Museum of Contemporary Art Sofia Imber. Caracas, Ven. Small Format Ceramics La Merced Gallery. Solo Show. Maracaibo, Ven. Profound 1990 Land and Fire Gallery. Caracas, Ven. Forms, Texture and Color 1989 AVEPANE. Children’s Foundation Center. Caracas, Ven. Ceramic and Glass 1988 Town Hall Atelier Artists. Caracas, Ven. Annual Exhibition 1985 Braulio Salazar University Gallery. Valencia, Ven. 12th National Salon of Fired Arts SPECIAL PROJECTS 2009-2014 Clay Works on Columbia. Sculpture Studio Instructor. Modeling with clay and casting. 2010 HPGRP Gallery. Common Ground. Assistant sculptor to Neil Tetkowski. New York MUSEUM AND GALLERY COLLECTIONS Caracas, Venezuela Museum of Contemporary Art Sofia Imber; Gallery Carolina; Gallery Felix; Gallery Li; Arts Forum; Gallery Sotage; Gallery Sólido; Gallery Paradigma; Gallery Kache; Gallery Intramuro. PRIVATE COLLECTIONS United States Yadrana Selgas, Miami; Roberto Fuenmayor, New York; James Kloiber, New York; Gotham Gardens Florist, New York; Collier West, Columbus, Ohio; Nest Interiors, New York; Comerford Hennessy, Bridgehmpton, New York; Sharlene Sherman, New York; Vessel, California; Viva Terra, California. Venezuela Alicia Vasquez, Alfredo Graffe, AVAF, Candido Millan, Carmen Ortiz, Daniel Briceno, David Mendez, Fina Rincon, Elizabeht Gutierrez Francisco Segovia, Guillermo Coll, Julieta Suarez, Juan Toledo, Maria Teresa Trombetta, Maritza Marconi, Nancy Gonzalez, Olga De Meter, Olga Martinez, Patricia Santoro, Tamara Cobo, Victor Favara, Ricardo Vallenilla, Naty Valles, Beatriz Catalan, Eleonora Gerzi, Esther de Muci. TV and MEDIA ENFOCO. Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Newtwork (HTIN). “Freddy Borges at Work.” Interview aired October 26, 2015 Time Out Magazine. September 2015. Feature article interview in “Characters” PRESS “Los Artistas Hispanos en las Galerías de New York” by Maria Vega. El Diario La Prensa. New York, NY. 2003 “Aves del Remanso”. by Efrain Corona. El Globo. Caracas, Ven. 1996 “ A partir de mañana Freddy Borges se instala en Puerto La Cruz.” Caracas, Ven. 1996 “29.Aceptados, 75 Artistas en el XVIII Salon Aragua.” El Globo. Caracas, Ven. 1996 “Entre Tornos” by Nelly Barbieri. El Nacional. Caracas, Ven. 1993 “Arte, cerámica y orfebrería dieron la pauta” by Nelly Barbieri. El Nacional. Caracas, Ven. 1992 “Nueve ecos se sienten en la Tito Salas” by Diana Gomez. El Nacional. Caracas, Ven. 1992 “Nueve artistas contemporaneos se reunen en Petare” by Alberto Alegria. El Diario, Caracas, Ven. 1992 “Nueve ecos retumban en Petare” by Omar Khan. El Globo. Caracas, Ven.1992 “Nueve ecos y ganas de trabajar, son el motivo de la Tito Salas” by Nefertiti Blanco. El Nacional. Caracas, Ven. 1992 “Cerámica y Naturaleza.” El Universal. Caracas, Ven. 1992 “En la Merced” by Jimmy Janez. Panorama. Caracas, Ven. 1991 “Cerámica y Fotografía en la Merced.” Panorama. Caracas, Ven. 1991 “Agenda Cultural” by Maria Mercedes Daes. Domingo Cultural. Caracas, Ven. 1991 “Los Mundos Marinos de Freddy Borges.” Panorama. Caracas, Ven. 1991 “Taller Barro y Fuego.” El Universal. Caracas, Ven. 1990 “Cerámica en Barro y Fuego” by Alberto Asprino. Elite. Caracas, Ven. 1990 “Forma, Textura y Color.” Domingo Cultural. Caracas, Ven. 1990 “Exposiciones con el barro en las manos.” El Universal. Caracas, Ven. 1986 “Artistas aceptados en el Salon Arte del Fuego.” El Nacional. Domingo Cultural. Caracas, Ven. 1985 “Colectiva de Cerámica.” El Universal. Caracas, Ven. 1985 “Intinerario Plástico.” El Universal. Caracas, Ven. 1985 EDUCATION 2014 The Art Students League of New York Martha Bloom. Mixed Media Sylvie Covey. Printmaking Hak Sul Lee. Sculpture, Varied materials three-dimensional design 2013 Michael Pellettieri. Printmaking Sylvie Covey. Printmaking “Nature calls. From bedding to jewelry, the outdoors has found a way in” by Linda Matchan. Boston Globe. Boston. 2006 Carrol Smith Alpha Workshop. Studio School. 2010 - 2012 The Art Students League of New York Hak Sul Lee. Welding and Fabrication 2008 The Art Students League of New York Jonathan Shah. Modeling in clay and other mediums 2005 Urban Glass. Brooklyn, NY Koichi Matsufuji. Kiln Casting The Art Students League of New York-Jonathan Shah. Modeling in Clay and Other Media 1999 - 2002 The Art Students League of New York Gary Sussman and Jill Burke. Sculpture in stone and wood Urban Glass. Brooklyn, NY Jennifer Poueymirou. Kiln Casting 1988 - 1990 Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores Armando Reverón Caracas, Ven.