ENRICO Campioli

ENRICO Campioli

Sobre el Artista

ENRICO was born in Parma on the 02/07/1968. Since he was a child, he showed an extraordinary sensitivity and a very strong emotionality, which made him particularly inclined to figurative arts. Nevertheless, his interest in painting remains concealed for several years, during which he studies, first scientific and secondly economic matters. He brilliantly attends the high school at G. Ulivi institute in Parma and after five years, that is in 1992, he graduates in Economics, with full marks, at the University of Parma. At the end of the studies, his need to express the most secret side of his personality becomes stronger. He starts to paint with ever more enthusiasm, deeply convinced to have finally found the right dimension to show his inner emotional world. Determined to completely change his life, by spending all his time in painting, he becomes a member of the “Art and culture” club in Parma, through which he can take part in several collective exhibitions. In 2000 he is awarded the first prize at the painting contest “ EMOTIONS AND COLOURS”, with the painting “The forest”, which is now exhibited inside the Public Library of Langhirano Municipality. To get in touch more often with his customers, ENRICO creates also his web page, which becomes the international window to show almost all his works. By getting in touch with a lot of people, ENRICO widens his range of interest to satisfy his customers, both in Italy and abroad. He then begins to offer, besides the original paintings, also printings and posters, which accurately reproduce his works.