Pia Buxbom - ICA

Pia Buxbom - ICA

Sobre el Artista

I was educated as an artist by passing an exam in 2003 in a 2-year school course at HF ​​& VUC in Denmark. Then I studied with three Danish artists Hanne Ørskov, Joan Mathilde Bergquist, and Sonja Godthjælp. In 2018 I passed the exam for seven weeks course Europe's painter from Leonardo to Rembrandt to Goya at Universidad Carlos lll de Madrid via edx In 2011, I started as a professional artist. I set myself as an important goal for my art that I should develop as an artist. I started painting, but I would also like to expand my artistic work by making sculptures. So in 2017, the first Bronze sculpture came into the world that I had printed with a 3D printer. Before this succeeded I had to learn to use several different designer programs and how I could get a 3D printer to print a sculpture in metal. The art I create is inspired by what is happening around me both in the immediate environment and the things that are happening in the world. Right from the start until now, there has been great interest in my art and I have received several awards and recognitions. In 2020 I was approved, internationally certified artist, by The International Institute for Artist Accreditation. This certification entitles me to write ICA after my name In 2020 I have also received several awards which are as follows International Prize Raffaello & Canova ARTYA award 2020 The International Prize "New York City" International prize Artist of the year 2020 In 2019, I have received the following awards and recognitions ARTYA AWARD 2019 GIOTTO Prize 2019 Art tour international 2019. Editor's choice recommended artist 2018