Darija Dolanski Majdak

Darija Dolanski Majdak

Sobre el Artista

Darija Dolanski Majdak, born on 10th of March, born on 10 march 1965th in Zagreb, Croatia. 1983rd was graduated from the School of Applied Arts in Zagreb, department of graphics. 1991st She graduated from the Zagreb Academy of Fine Arts academy. Member of the Croatian Association of Artists of Zagreb and the Croatian Independent Artists. SOLO EXHIBITIONS: 2011. Just shades / Church of St. Trinity, Kastav 2010. Squares 2010.g. / Gallery of Events 2010. Labyrinth / Modulor Gallery, Zagreb 2009. Signs of the Times / Gallery Vladimir Buzancic, Zagreb 2008. And forever skyline blue / Atelier Lucko, Zagreb 2007. Skyline Revisited / Gallery of Matica Croatian, Zagreb 2007. Skyline Revisited / Gallery Vjekoslav Karas, Karlovac 2006. Chaos Manager / Gallery CEKAO, Zagreb 2006. Chaos Manager / City Gallery Fonticus, Groznjan 2005. Gallery Adum / Zlarin 2004. Deep Ž / Gallery Miroslav Kraljevic, Zagreb 2004. tirilizoo / City Gallery Fonticus, Groznjan 2003. High Tension / The showroom Izidor Krsnjavi, Zagreb 2003. Blue / Gallery Adum, Zlarin 2003. matter-hysteria-mystery / Gallery Canvas, Zagreb 2003. www.kvadrati.kom / Gallery Kordic, Velika Gorica 2002. Skyline / Gallery of Matica Croatian, Zagreb 2002. Skyline / Gallery O.K., Rijeka 2001. Clouds of white light by night / Atelijer Lucko, Zagreb 1993. Library Novi Zagreb / Zagreb 1993. Gallery Ravnice / Zagreb 1991. Exhibition space Kras / Zagreb GROUP EXHIBITIONS: 2011. 2. Triennale portrait / Samobor 2011. INTER IMAGO NEW YORK 3/ Gallery MC, New York 2011. Annual exhibition of members HDLU / Zagreb 2011. Sudjelovanje u prodajnoj izložbi u Svjetskoj banci / Zagreb 2010. Sudjelovanje u aukciji za humanitarnu zakladu Ivane Hodak / Zagreb 2010. Annual exhibition of members HDLU / Zagreb 2010. INTER IMAGO NEW YORK 1/ Gallery MC, New York 2010. 45. Zagreb salon / Zagreb 2009. 5. zagorski art salon / Krapina 2008. 21. slavonski biennale / Osijek 2008. 1. triennale self-portrait / Samobor 2006. What, indeed, whether these women? / Gallery Zvonimir, Zagreb (with Barbic-Katici?c, Diminic, Jazvic, Kljakovic, Kovac) 2006. Annual exhibition of members HDLU / Zagreb 2005. Passion Heritage / Museum Mimara / Zagreb 2005. Annual exhibition of members HDLU / Zagreb 2005. Licki annals of art / Gospic 2004. Apsolutno barok / Varaždin 2004. Charity exhibition Wine Trail / Jastrebarsko 2004. 19. slavonski biennale / Osijek, Vukovar 2004. Likum generation / Zagreb 2004. Annual exhibition of members HDLU / Zagreb / Zagreb 2003. 3. zagorski art salon / Krapina 2003. Small spy / exhibition project, Goethe Institute, Zagreb 2003. 3 +1 +5 (curator Iva Körbler) / Studio Gallery St. Krsevan, Sibenik 2002. Blue Salon - 16 Triennial of Croatian art / Zadar 2001. Library Vladimir Nazor / Zagreb 1993. House of Croatian pilgrims, Dr. Ivan Merz / permanent memorial exhibition, Rome 1991. YU range of youth / Gallery of the Cultural, Titov Vrbas, Yugoslavia (Serbia) 1990. XXII Youth Salon / Zagreb 1989. XXI Youth Salon / Zagreb 1988. XX Youth Salon / Zagreb 1987. Exhibition space Chromos / Zagreb 1987. School Photo Books / Zagreb 1987. Gallery Vladimir Nazor / Zagreb 1987. XVIII Youth Salon / Zagreb 1986. Gallery Veselin Maslesa / Belgrade PERFORMANCE: 1988. Defenestracija, a group of Restoration / French Revolution Square, Zagreb 1986. Sport, a group of Renewal / Flower Square, Zagreb 1985. Action group painting, group Pakajonda / Flower Square, Zagreb AWARDS: 2010. "Statement of excellence" at the 45th Zagreb Salon, awarded by the "Friends Art" 2010. Listed in the directory "International Contemporary ARTIST Vol I" 2004. Purchase prize T-Mobile in collaboration with the Institute for Contemporary Art - Photographic entitled "A world without borders"