Costin Brateanu

Costin Brateanu

Sobre el Artista

Costin Brǎteanu is joining together naturalism, decorative painting, geometry and the abstract. His operating range is best defined through the “post” prefix. In fact, it is about a process of a meta-postmodernist origin. Besides, for Brǎteanu is more fitting the visual artist term than that of a painter, meaning that his system of applied aesthetic thought entails the deconstruction and reconfiguration of images. The mysteries of cromatics and perspective are mastered by the artist, in whose work prevails, let’s say, the matrix side of reality, before the objective-realistic one. Preoccupied by the transfering techniques of the visual system from unconventional palettes, may it be knives, antimacassars or various other surfaces, on the support of the final works, Costin Brǎteanu proves, without having set himself to do this, a particular sense of rhythm. The game of frequency depths of the colors that he relates together bring up the harmonic potential of some works having a personal nature, and moreover, original ones. Thus, the canvas suggested by him are somewhat musical, the artist takes on the role of the DJ. Mihai Plǎmǎdealǎ, art critic, curator