Rosanna Gaddoni

Rosanna Gaddoni

Sobre el Artista

Rosanna Gaddoni was born in Italy, where she received a classical education. She has been living for two years in Asia and currently lives and works in the Netherlands. From an early age, she showed a predisposition for art and throughout her life, she always drew and painted as a personal need. After a first self-taught training, he attended the orientation year at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and a series of courses at the Teekenschool van het Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. In 2018 and 2019 she attended drawing and painting activities in Eduardo Durdin’s atelier in Eindhoven. In late 2020, at the conclusion of two years of study in Leiden, she will receive her license as Sumi-E instructor released by the International Association of Tokyo. In 2019 she was Winner of Art Challenge - Dutch Artsy soul (Art blog) - Netherlands. She has participated in numerous temporary exhibitions in Italy and abroad; both collective, among which we remember 'Per visibilia ad invisibilia', at Onart in Florence in 2019, and personal ones, including the exhibition in Aarle-Rixtel, the Netherlands, in 2020. In 2021 she will exhibit for the second time in Tokyo at the International Sumi -E Association.