Linda / Theodore Shinkle

Linda / Theodore Shinkle

Sobre el Artista

Exploration and immersion of natural and historic modes by modern means defines the work of this mother/son artist duo. Shapes, abstract and textural elements together with the connectivity of light, shadows, and reflections provide inspiration. Light sources are frequently used to capture their tableaux through the camera lens employing the technique known as light painting. Location work begins their artistic process with fulfillment coming long after digital dark room editing, developing and post-processing multiple layers of images. Linda studied film at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, MI while obtaining a Bachelor of Arts, continued artistic study at the Sorbonne University of Paris, in Paris, France, was tutored by National Geographic in Sienna, Italy and on an Around the World excursion, earned a Juris Doctor and practiced law while developing her passion for photography. Theodore received a Bachelor of Arts from Denison University, in Granville, OH with art study at FAMU, Charles University, in Prague, Czech Republic and had significant cinema industry experience. They’ve had a lifetime of working in photography, have national exhibitions and collectors, have photographed on five continents and reside in Detroit, Michigan.