My Jesus And An Alien Landscape

mark masters mark masters

APRIL 09, 2021

Hi everyone. Just a reminder that my new virtual gallery starts in just a few days and so if you have a few minutes spare it would be wonderful if you could have a look. Cheers mark masters

My Jesus And An Alien Landscape

mark masters mark masters

MARCH 29, 2021

Hi everyone. Just to let you all know that I have published a new virtual exhibition which will launch on 10th April next month. If you have a few minutes spare, it would be great if you can pop along and have a look. Cheers guys. mark masters

In My Darkness; I Am Glorious, But You Are Somewhere Else

mark masters mark masters

FEBRUARY 03, 2021

Dear All. Just a reminder that next week my VIRTUAL GALLERY is now live. If you get time please visit and have a look. I am a British artist living and working in the Midlands of England. I sell my paintings at very reasonable prices as I believe that Art should be affordable to all. Not just the Elite. All my prices are negotiable, but I do add the cost of postage from UK to USA so that I am not out of pocket. There is an MP3 file attached so please have a look and a listen and message me about any issue arising from my show or if you are interested in buying anything. Many Thanks. M. Masters

In My Darkness; I Am Glorious, But You Are Somewhere Else

mark masters mark masters

JANUARY 26, 2021

Dear All. Just a reminder that next week my VIRTUAL GALLERY goes live TUES 2ND FEB, If you get time please visit and have a look. I am a British artist living and working in the Midlands of England. I sell my paintings at very reasonable prices as I believe that Art should be affordable to all. Not just the Elite. All my prices are negotiable, but I do add the cost of postage from UK to USA so that I am not out of pocket. There is an MP3 file attached so please have a look and a listen and message me about any issue arising from my show or if you are interested in buying some British Art. Many Thanks. M. Masters

In My Darkness: I Am Glorious, But You Are Somewhere Else

mark masters mark masters

JANUARY 13, 2021

Please take a few moments to enjoy some of the images that will be included in my virtual exhibition next month. (2nd Feb-2nd March) Please remember that I do not charge huge amounts for my work. I believe work should be affordable to all and to anyone interested in having original artworks on their walls at home. I just add on the postage from UK to USA. Thanks for reading my post. Mark

In My Darkness: I Am Glorious, But You Are Somewhere Else

mark masters mark masters

JANUARY 12, 2021

COMING SOON. A VIRTUAL GALLERY EXPERIENCE BY MARK MASTERS. Exhibiting many of the paintings recently included in my new book, 'Let's Unfinish What We're Seeing'. 2nd Feb - 2nd March 2021. My paintings are affordable as Art should be. My prices do not include the postage from UK to USA. The greatest honour is to have your work hanging in the home of someone else! Please keep an eye out for my show. Thanks everyone. mark masters

Hello to all. I've just joined Artavita

mark masters mark masters

DECEMBER 22, 2020

Just wanted to say hello to everyone. I am an artist living and working in the UK. in the midlands, a beautiful part of the country. I make very dark paintings about the inner feelings of our human condition. I have been working with the International Confederation Of Art Critics for the last two years and have just released my first book called 'Let's Unfinish What We're Seeing.' Please if you get a free moment have a look at my profile. I hope to add more as time moves along. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas for 2020. Mark Masters

Send In The Clowns: A Life During Lockdown

mark masters mark masters

DECEMBER 22, 2020

It was June 8th, 2020. I was in ‘lockdown’. I had not taught a single fitness class since March 20th, but the sun was glorious and the sky a vivid blue, even though this dreadful virus was still creeping across the planet like a slow shadow. I had ground some coffee beans, headed out into the garden, book under arm, and steadily pushed down the plunger on my cafetiere; I had just a few more pages to read. When I got to the end, I flipped the book over, opened the front cover and began reading it over from the beginning. The book was called ‘Love Is Colder Than Death, (the life and times of Rainer Werner Fassbinder)’. I had of course been introduced to it over 30 years ago whilst on my Fine Art Degree.... to read more please email me at