Katarzyna Zachtej

Katarzyna Zachtej

Sobre el Artista

I am Kasia from Poland. I am raising two children, I'm a chemist, I love gardening, travelling and .... painting! I invite you to my colourful world through the lens of a crazy colourful artist. I was born in Silesia. I have always painted as an amateur, but there have been years when I have not painted anything. I came to the conclusion that I have to do something that would put my mind at ease and give me a positive kick. At the end of 2017 I bought a canvas and I decided that I would do something for myself. I didn't even dream about painting a few pictures a week, or even a few a day. I could never have dreamed that my paintings would appeal to such a large audience. I introduced and created ideas into reality. I developed my social media (Twitter, Instagram, FB), I run a website, write a blog, paint and, above all, I love what I do. In 2018, I painted over 100 paintings, organized five exhibitions of my own in 2018 and 2019, took part in several group exhibitions, open-airs and competitions. In May 2019, I won my first prize at a painting competition in the USA. Painting has always been my dream. I graduated 15 years ago, but I am beginning to fulfil my dreams - from October 2019 I have started to study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw. I belong to two different artistic associations: 'Barwy Slaska' and 'Faun Art'.