Vera Komnig

Vera Komnig

Sobre el Artista

Vera Komnig, born and resident in Germany, is a professional, excellent artist (award for special artistic achievements) who specializes in expressive acrylic and oil painting. As a qualified graphic designer, she ran her own advertising studio for a few years before devoting herself entirely to painting and art. Since the 80th she is exhibiting in many solo and group shows in Germany, Milan / Italy, Spain and Dubai. She was the winner of the Federal Prize for Specialistic Achievements. Vera Komnig’s paintings are in private and public collections in Germany, Europe, USA and the UEA. Vera Komnig is well known for her vibrant, strong and colorful artworks. She loves to see her work emerge in the freshness of each new moment and leaving the developing image to a maximum of freedom. The expressive paintings develop with the freely guided, strong brushstrokes a vividly invigorating and touching atmosphere and give the viewer space to discover their own world. Her Paintings breathe freedom and give the permission to become „so being“.