Mara G. Szyp

Mara G. Szyp

Sobre el Artista

In my life, I had to pack up and move and reinvent myself but there was always a voice in the back of my head that would whisper “keep seeking” Then life changed right in front of my eyes, and that voice sang “You are home” I paint to free myself of the chains around me, my body and my mind. When I am birthing a new art piece, it expresses who I was while morphing into who I will become. I create art because it gives me a purpose. In my portraits I see through their eyes, in my nudes I feel through their skins, in my abstracts I scream and dance and grow as their limitless shapes move and unfold, just as my life as an artist, bright and constantly evolving. I thank God for giving me the strength to get to be here and to be able to answer my calling. I Thank God for another (and another) chance to live my life. And above all, I thank my wonderful partner without whom I wouldn’t have been able to throw myself head on into this exciting and rewarding new path to create art.