Asquini Carla

Asquini Carla

Sobre el Artista

Carla Asquini was born in Udine (Italy) and has lived for some decades at Buttrio, a village in proximity of Udine. Her passion for painting rises very early and she draws as a young girl landscapes, flowers, animals, human figures and faces in order to explore and know the world through the filter of her aesthetic feeling. At the age of nineteen she obtains her General Certificate of Education and soon after she moves for a whole year stay to the United States of America, Houston, Texas, in order to attend the Academy of Painting founded by the great Hungarian Master Lajos Markos (Marosvasarhely 1917-Houston 1993), who had got his degree 1942 at the world-known Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest under masters who were known at international level - in Houston there has been since 1995 the foundation ‘Lajos Markos Art Foundation. During a complete full immersion in the courses held by Markos Carla Asquini learns to master the drawing and the most various colour and form techniques referring to the most different subjects in painting. After returning to Italy, she has long attended the atelier of Fred Pittino, a famous painter and cofounder of the Centro Friulano di Arti Plastiche, Friulian Centre of Fine Arts, Udine, which she has jointed. Her most usual techniques are the classic oil painting, the more modern painting on canvas in acrylic, the more adapt technique for the expression of the finest aesthetish-semantic Nuances requested by the art of Carla Asquini, besides the waterpainting, by means of which she achieves extraordinarily exciting effects, the pastel technique where she builds a dream world. In her rich carnet of exhibitions there are Italy and several foreign countries such as the United States, where she has exhibitions at irregular intervals; China, French, Austria, Swiss and many more as in the list of her main exhibitions below. For ten years she has been member of the Comitée National Monegasque des Arts Plastiques, Monegasque National Committee for Fine Arts, non executive chairman His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco, in cooperation with the International Association for Fine Arts of U.N.E.S.C.O. She is member of the ‘Centro Friulano di Arti Plastiche’. The winners at the literary national ‘Franz-Kafka-Italia-Prize ®’ , celebration every year at the ‘Kulturni Center Lojze Bratuž’ , Gorizia (Italy), are awarded a.o. also with paintings of Carla Asquini. Carla Asquini participates in the Exhibition of fine arts organized every year within the ‘Franz